1. The Body | Rotten Tomatoes
Though The Body is marketed as a dramatic thriller, it turned out to be neither dramatic nor thrilling. The initial idea was interesting; what would happen if ...
At the dawn of the new millennium, in the cradle of faith that is Jerusalem, two seemingly mismatched people from different worlds and cultures - Vatican-appointed Jesuit priest Matt Gutierrez (Antonio Banderas) and Israeli archaeologist Sharon Golban (Olivia Williams) - make a tenuous alliance to investigate a find that not only threatens the very foundations of western religion, but also blow apart the region's fragile peace.
2. The Body (2001) - Christian Spotlight on the Movies - Christian Answers
However, the movie does a good job of examining both sides of the faith issue surrounding the Resurrection.
3. FILM IN REVIEW; 'The Body' - The New York Times
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A Jerusalem shopkeeper begins to dig a basement and discovers a skeleton that may be the body of Jesus, which would mean that He was mortal. Antonio Banderas appears as an archaeologist and priest who is assigned by the Vatican to get to the heart of this mystery. All the action in this frenetic adventure film takes place a beat too slow, as if the writer and director Jonas McCord's reflexes were failing him. — Elvis Mitchell
4. The Body | Movies | The Guardian
Nov 8, 2001 · A theological thriller about an archaeologist who discovers the bones of the (apparently) Unrisen Christ in Jerusalem, and has to deal with the religious and ...
Peter Bradshaw: Imagine The Omen crossed with a commercial for the Israeli Tourist Board
5. The Body (2001) directed by Jonas McCord • Reviews, film + cast
The meticulous methodology involving thermoluminesence dating is honestly fairly entertaining though, and from what I've read: scientifically accurate as well.…
An ancient skeleton has been discovered in Jerusalem in a rich man's tomb. Colouration of the wrist and leg bones indicates the cause of death was crucifiction. other signs, include a gold coin bearing the marks of Pontius Pilate and faint markings around the skull, lead authorities to suspect that these could be the bones of Jesus Christ. Politicians, clerics, religious extremists and those using terror as a means to an end, find their beliefs and identities tested while risking their lives to unearth the truth.....
6. The Body Review | Movie - Empire Magazine
Jan 1, 2000 · In the hands of, say, Tom Stoppard, this may have been a profound meditation on the importance of faith, but under debuting director McCord, The ...
Read the Empire Movie review of The Body. The Body is nice to look at but...
7. Body, The - IGN
Aug 20, 2001 · There are some subjects that are not officially taboo, but are nearly impossible to get made and released without static.
Antonio Banderas, priest of virtue...
8. Ending. - The Body (2001) Discussion | MovieChat
How does this film end? Is it really Jesus's bones? I'm Thinking Of A Good Sig Line.....
How does this film end? Is it really Jesus's bones?
I'm Thinking Of A Good Sig Line.....
9. 'Body' Unearths Intriguing Premise, but . . . - Los Angeles Times
Apr 20, 2001 · 'Body' Unearths Intriguing Premise, but . . . By KEVIN THOMAS. April 20, 2001 12 AM PT ... Alas, the devout but open-minded good father really ...
To watch "The Body" is to be reminded of how many lousy movies have been made in Jerusalem, usually formulaic thrillers featuring international casts.